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Improving tomorrow

We are an active asset manager that continuously builds on its sustainability track record, investing in environmental and social improvements to shape the future society we all want to be a part of. We define sustainability as leaving something better behind for future generations.

Transition to green

Transition to green defines our commitment to develop environmentally smart and efficient properties and data centres. We focus on reducing climate impact through optimising energy efficiency, increasing use of renewables, a “reduce and reuse” approach during retrofit, and to carefully select materials and services. This includes designing for flexibility, so that buildings and premises easily can be modified or repurposed when needed, rather than being torn down and replaced. In general, retrofitting existing buildings brings many benefits as it utilises existing infrastructure and the embodied energy already invested in the building’s structure and materials.

Our focus areas

  • Reduce carbon emissions
  • Promotion of circular models and sustainable materials
  • Protection of biodiversity

If you are interested in reading more about our focus area Transition to green, you can do so in our Sustainability Report.

It is all about people

We believe that supporting dynamic communities where health, relations, and wellbeing are essential, is crucial to create social value for our stakeholders beyond just our properties. We truly want to leave something better behind. Our commitment to ‘it is all about people’, reflects this dedication.

Our focus areas

  • An attractive place
  • A place for wellbeing
  • A place to thrive

Our people and culture

Our people and culture are at the heart of everything we do. Our purpose-driven team is united in its mission to overcome challenges and achieve the impossible while maintaining a positive attitude. We promote a growth mindset to encourage and help develop brave and motivated employees who work together to deliver on our promises. We act in line with our core values, guiding us in our behaviour and decision-making. We aim to create attractive workplaces that support both business success and the well-being of employees, as well as positive outcomes such as employee engagement, retention, and satisfaction.

Read more about our culture

The communities we cultivate

Everything we do in and around our assets, we do for the people to give them the right conditions to develop and succeed with their daily tasks. It is all about people and the communities we care for. As part of our active asset management, we prioritise place-making, supporting positive urban development, and maintaining long-term relationships and continuous dialogue with tenants to future-proof our assets. While these efforts are successful and are driving the value of our properties, we also recognised the need to do more.


Delivering on promises

We recognise that culture plays an important role in governance, and we work hard to foster a culture of responsibility, accountability and transparency. We strive to create a work environment that encourages open communication and values diverse perspectives. Good governance is the foundation of a responsible business, and an important part of this work is to be financially sustainable and responsible for the long term. Delivering on promises defines our commitment to creating long-term financial results with transparent governance while staying compliant with and ahead of regulatory requirements.

Our focus areas

  • Maintain a compliant, transparent, and effective governance structure
  • Top tier company for international ESG disclosure


Företag för Malawi is a UNICEF project for vulnerable children in Malawi, one of the world’s poorest nations. The contributions from Areim and other participating companies enable access to education and healthcare for Malawian children. 

Read more Företag för Malawi


Mathivation is an initiative that engages students as role models to challenges and inspires and motivates other students in mathematics and programming. Mathivation and Areim have created educational material based on investments and real estate and teach various basic economic concepts on percentage calculation and the interest-on-interest effect, focusing on persistence and creative problem-solving

Read about Mathivation



Friends is a well-known and well-reputed children’s rights organisation that prevents bullying and promotes safe environments for children. They also provide adults with research-based tools to prevent bullying among children and young people. 

Read more about Friends

Diversity Talks Real Estate (DTRE) started in 2017 and is a non-profit organisation aimed at increasing the visibility of under-represented groups in the European built environment industry, with a particular focus on women and ethnic minority professionals. Areim offers employees to participate in various courses provided by DTRE to empower more colleagues to build confidence in public speaking, such as industry events and panel discussions as well as expand their business network.

Read about Diversity talks real estate

Sustainable Finance Disclosure

Read our Sustainable Finance Website Disclosure documents.



Our corporate values include upholding the highest ethical standards, providing transparency, and ensuring robust governance that we comply with regulations. Here you can, anonymously, report potential or actual irregularities that fails to comply with external and Areim’s internal rules and regulations. This includes irregularities and failures regarding financial crimes, business ethics, environmental crimes, violations of human rights, and labour rights.


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